Barnwell County Career Center
Giving Our Students the Training to Succeed!
Welcome to the Barnwell County Career Center's website where our students are trained in their area of interest to help them achieve career goals and experience in their selected career.
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Marketing Education

The Marketing, Sales, and Service Cluster is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment in areas related to planning, managing, and performing wholesaling and retailing services and related marketing and distribution support services including merchandise/product management and promotion. Focus will be placed on the Marketing Communications, Management and Promotion career pathway. Three credits are required to be classified as a completer in this program.
To create real-world opportunities and experiences for every student that will give them the necessary tools to be successful in marketing and as entrepreneurs.

Marketing 5421-Semester (1 Credit) (Required)
The Marketing course introduces students to the world of marketing. Students will learn about marketing fundamentals, economics, and the Marketing
functions of price planning and strategies, promotion, selling, and product distribution. Creativity, problem-solving, research, teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills are stressed. A coherent, comprehensive marketing plan will be the cumulative project which will demonstrate skills marketing students learned in the course. This is the fundamental course in all the Marketing programs and should be taken before specialized marketing courses.
Advertising 5470 Semester (1 Credit) (Required)
The Advertising course is designed to introduce students to the world of advertising: marketing, creative concepting, analyzing different forms of media, planning and preparing campaign ads, and evaluating success. Students will also analyze and
implement communication and career development skills in preparation for career-readiness.
Entrepreneurship 5400 (1 Credit) (Elective)
The Entrepreneurship course, one of the concentrator
requirements in the General Management business program, provides students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences needed to develop an effective business plan for small business ownership. The course incorporates economics, ethics, legal aspects, business accounting, marketing, human resources, strategies for financing, and technology. Students
may obtain a small business entrepreneurship certification.
5425 Sports & Entertainment Marketing (1 Credit) (Elective)
The Sports and Entertainment Marketing course is for students who are interested in marketing careers found in the various areas of the sports and entertainment industry. Marketing theory and practice are emphasized and incorporated into present-day
scenarios. Major topics include the use of technology, promotion, customer relations, selling, and
marketing plans.
Snack Attack
Snack Attack is a student-based enterprise where students sell snacks throughout the school day Wednesdays—Fridays. All students in the Marketing Department have the opportunity to become an employee of Snack Attack. Employees must meet specific requirements in order to receive credit for their time worked. This opportunity does allow the student to earn School-To-Work credit. This business venture allows students to handle and manage cash, shortages and overages. They also gain experience maintaining the store's inventory and handling customer complaints. Students gain the ability to communicate effectively, interact with customers, and adapt to their environment while working as a cashier, inventory specialist or manager.
Button Me Up
This business is run by marketing students only. Students are responsible for marketing, selling, designing, and creating the buttons. We are always dedicated to providing you with the best custom button with great customer service for $1.25.
Class Businesses
Service Learning Projects
Student participation in service learning activities and projects is a major part of the Marketing Program. In order to develop a student into a well-rounded individual, it is my belief that they should learn the value of giving back to help someone else.
2023-2024 service learning activities:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month "Pink Out" Day
Breast Cancer Gift Baskets Giveaway
Learning boards designed by students and given to local daycare center
Socks for Seniors (2 local nursing homes)
Valentine Cards designed and given to entire student body
2022-2023 service learning activities:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month "Pink Out" Day
bracelet, pin and button giveaway
Breast Cancer Gift Baskets Giveaway
Learning boards for 4K class of local elementary school
Christmas cards designed and given to the entire student body
Local toy drive
2021-2022 service learning activities:
Breast Cancer Awareness Month "Pink Out Day
Breast Cancer Gift Baskets Giveaway
Christmas Cards designed and given to the entire student body