Barnwell County Career Center
Giving Our Students the Training to Succeed!
Welcome to the Barnwell County Career Center's website where our students are trained in their area of interest to help them achieve career goals and experience in their selected career.
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Guidance Department

The ultimate goal of education is to provide each student with the academic knowledge needed for further education and/or training for the eventual purpose of successful entry into the workforce. Guidance and counseling services at the Barnwell County Career Center constitute an integral part of the attainment of this goal through the services of a full time, professional career guidance counselor.
The guidance department at BCCC has two major aims:
1. To assist each student to make more effective adjustments to the environment in which he or she lives. To accomplish this aim, the guidance services at the Center provide experiences to help the student develop a better knowledge of himself/herself and to help each individual become the person he/she is capable of becoming.
2. To assist each student in career development. The individual is given the opportunity to explore self and career options, secure an understanding of occupations, acquire decision-making skills, develop a positive work ethic, clarify an understanding of work, and make realistic career plans to enter an occupation.
The guidance counselor at the Center takes an active part in the team of guidance counselors in the Barnwell County school districts and in the Tri-County Workforce Readiness Partnership Tech Prep Consortium (Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell Counties). Together, this team works with other professionals in the Barnwell County area to assist young persons in obtaining maximum benefits from their high school experience.
Activities of the BCCC Guidance Department:
1. Assisting and advising the feeder school counselors about course availability at the beginning of the school year
2. Consulting with BCCC faculty members about student issues and concerns
3. Planning, coordinating, and developing a career fair for middle school students from the three school districts in Barnwell County
4. Planning and coordinating joint meetings of high school and middle school counselors in Barnwell County
5. Planning and coordinating BCCC facility tours by county middle school students
6. Planning and coordinating tours for high school freshmen in the county
7. Tracking and documenting placement information for BCCC graduates